Let's Talk About Armpits: #RealNotRetouched

by - 12:32 AM

Excited to share this to my readers and followers! Let's take a break from all the fashion, food, beauty and  travel talk, and let's gossip about insecurities. I am entirely sure that I am not the only person on earth who has been insecure with my armpits - actually I didn't care much about this before but when I strated my journey in the industry I am in today, I realized that I should always be prepared and be at my best as often as possible. 

Lo and behold one of my fave brands on earth - Dove. One of the main reasons why I love this brand is its advocacy towards women, Dove's Original and Smooth deodorant speaks to let women turn kili-kili insecurities to confidently showing it off through the real care Dove deo gives. I've grown to love this brand and whether or not sponsored, this is something that I honestly recommend for you guys. 

Raise your arms up, sisters! Haha #RealNotRetouched

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