
Angry Over Ruffles

by - 9:53 PM

It is no question for me why ruffles are quite a cute ensemble for any outfit. Ever since I could remember, my eyes are all on everything ruffled. 

Not more than two years ago, I met the beautiful and amazing local fashion designer Vee Tan to help me dress up for Blogger's Ball. Recently I found her new line (by Lo and Behold) consisting of laid-back, easy go-to pieces and of course - ruffles. As soon as I saw her Edinburgh (top) and Seville (bottoms) pair, I just knew I had to wear one.

From Edinburgh and Seville, comes two more ruffled faves - the off-shoulder Madrid... 

....and the elegantly sleeved Florence.


Not everything comes in ruffles though, the Antwerp slip dress is also one of the classic pieces every woman must have, beyond perfect for a romantic date night, but for a more personal touch, I tried to make a twist of some sort and layer it on a velvet top and dope sneakers (someone commented on my Instagram post that this outfit looks kinda weird, but they like it. I feel the same way to but maybe weird is my fashion lol)

This won't be the last of my ruffled series. You may shop these outfits from by Lo and Behold via this link.

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